2021 Reading Goals

After seeing others come up with goals for the next year, I thought I’d come up with some of my own. Now, I have two young children, and am a flightful mood reader, so any goals I set are more guidelines than anything I’ll beat myself up over. With that out of the way, let’s get started.

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Retrospective: Books That Surprised Me

Hello blog, it’s been a while. I’ve been neglecting any updates due to new phases in my children’s sleeping habits making it too difficult for me to reliably write and stay sane concurrently. It’s made me less keen to update this thing unfortunately.

However, I thought I’d try my hand at a little retrospective on the year so far with some books that surprised me. I’ve read probably more books this year than any other year of my life by far, and my reading tastes are more diverse than ever before, so there’s been plenty of opportunities for me to be surprised, especially when I’ve had a chance to form any opinions on many of those books before reading them.

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