Book Review: The Splinter King

Potential Spoilers Ahead: The Splinter King is the sequel to The Black Coast. As such, the blurb for this book and the following review will inevitably have some level of spoilers for the previous book. I’ve tried to keep those spoilers to a minimum, but you have been warned.


Darel, dragon knight and the new leader of Black Keep, must travel to the palace of the God-King to beg for the lives of his people. But in the capital of Narida, Marin and his warrior husband will be drawn into a palace coup, and Princess Tila will resort to murder to keep her hold on power.

In the far reaches of the kingdom an heir in exile is hunted by assassins, rumours of a rival God-King abound, and daemonic forces from across the seas draw ever nearer…

Summary: The Splinter King by Mike Brooks is a fun sequel that develops excitingly on the plot threads set up in the first book. There are more dragons, more intrigue, and more of the hopeful attitude that helped me fall in love with the series.

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Weekly Roundup

Well, I failed to post two reviews this week. I’ve had a lot on my plate at the moment, and unfortunately I haven’t had the energy to finish the reviews I’ve had on the backburner. I did finish two books though, one of them an excellent new debut, and I started one more. Read on to find out more!

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